Adding procedures to the procedure sequence

1.  On the toolbar, click the  Open 'Procedure sequence' window button.

The Procedure sequence window opens.

2.  If procedures are already available, click the row in the list in the procedure sequence window below which you would like to add another procedure.

3.  In the Operations section, select Create.

The Procedure window opens.

4.  Select the desired procedure from the appropriate folder. The following procedures are provided:

Notes: For each procedure, the settings are described in the appropriate chapter. The table below lists the appropriate references.

Some procedures are only displayed if you have activated the respective add-on module (Enabling or disabling add-ons).

For some procedures you need to select a file for data reading or saving, respectively (Opening and saving a project directories file).

Folder Assignments



Delete assignment results

Deletes the assignment results (Deleting PrT/PuT assignment results)

PrT assignment

Calculates PrT assignments (Setting and calculating the parameters for PrT assignment)

PuT assignment

Calculates PuT assignments (Setting and calculating PuT assignment parameters)

Connection import

Reads PuT connections from file (Importing connections)

Route import

Reads PrT routes for a demand segment from file (Importing routes)

Extended route import

Reads externally calculated assignment results from file (Extended route import)

Set signal programs

Set desired signal program for all signal controllers (Automatically changing or switching off signal programs in Visum)

Update impedances at node

Re-calculates impedances of nodes and main nodes (Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes)

Signal cycle and split optimization

Calculates the optimum cycle time for the signal controller at the node and at the same time an optimal green time split for this cycle time (Optimizing signal cycle and split times)

Network-wide signal optimization

Optimization of the offset times, optionally with optimization of the cycle and/or split times (Network-wide signal optimization)

Assignment analysis

Analyses the quality of an assignment (Calculating general procedures (PrT and PuT))

Generate trip requests Generate trip requests for a demand segment (Creating trip requests during the procedure sequence)
Tour planning Execute tour planning (Executing tour planning in the procedure sequence)
Pseudo Dynamic Volumes (PDV) Calculate pseudo-dynamic volumes (Fundamentals: Pseudo-dynamic volumes (PDV))

Folder Demand model



Trip generation

Calculates stage 1 (Trip generation) of the Standard 4-Step model (Starting the iterative repetition)

Trip distribution

Calculates stage 2 (Trip distribution) of the Standard 4-Step model (Calculating trip distribution)

Mode choice

Calculates stage 3 (Mode choice) of the Standard 4-Step model (Calculating mode choice)

Time-of-day choice

Distributes the demand to time intervals (Calculating Time-of-day choice)

EVA trip generation

Calculates the trip generation of the EVA-P model (Calculating EVA trip generation)

EVA weighting

Calculates evaluation of the EVA-P model (Calculating EVA weighting)

EVA distribution / mode choice

Calculates distribution and mode choice of the EVA-P model (Calculating EVA trip distribution and mode choice)

Tour-based model - Trip generation

Calculates the trip generation of the Tour-based Model (VISEM) (Calculating Tour-based model - Trip generation)

Tour-based model - Combined trip distribution / mode choice

Calculates trip distribution and mode choice of the Tour-based Model (VISEM) (Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice)

Nested demand

Calculates nested demand which may contain the choice of the destination, means of transport and time-of-day alternatives in random order (Calculating demand with the Nested demand model).

Nested demand gap calculation

Calculates the relative deviation of the current demand weighted by the costs from the demand of the last iteration. The values are taken from the procedure Nested demand (Calculating Nested demand gap).

Tour-based freight generation and distribution

Calculates generation and distribution of the tour-based freight model (Calculating production and distribution using the tour-based freight model)
Tour-based freight trip generation Calculates trip generation of the Tour-based freight model (Calculating trip generation using the tour-based freight model)

Estimate gravitation parameters (KALIBRI)

Estimates parameters of the utility function of the gravity model (Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI))

Generate path sequences from tours

Creates path sequences from ABM tours.

Start ActivitySim

Starts ActivitySim in Visum (ActivitySim interface)

Import ActivitySim output data

Imports ActivitySim data (ActivitySim interface)

Export ActivitySim input data

Exports ActivitySim data (ActivitySim interface)

Folder Multimodal



Delete path sequences

Deletes all path sequences

Multimodal assignment

Calculates a multimodal assignment (Selecting and executing the Multimodal assignment)

P+R lot choice Calculates P+R lot choice (Calculating Park + Ride lot choice)
P+R leg split Calculates P+R leg split (Calculating Park + Ride leg split)

Calculate demand from path sequences

Calculates induced demand for each demand segment from the paths of path sequence sets (Calculating demand from path sequences).

Calculate skim matrix from path sequences

Calculates skim matrices from path sequences (Calculating skim matrices from path sequences)

Folder PuT analyses



Reset PuT operating indicators

Deletes calculated PuT operating indicator data (Discarding calculated PuT operating indicators)

PuT operating Indicators

Calculates PuT operating indicator data (Revenue calculation using a fixed revenue per PTripUnlinked)

Spatial PuT analysis

Evaluates the indicators of volume based on attributes of line route elements and the vehicle journey section (User Manual: Calculating spatial PuT analyses).

Delete line blocks

Deletes calculated PuT line block versions (Resetting line blocking results)

Line blocking

Calculates PuT line blocking (Executing the line blocking procedure)

PuT interlining matrix

Generates skim matrices for interlining trip relations between stop points (Performing the PuT interlining matrix procedure)

Calculate service trip patterns

Calculates groups of regular services (Calculating service trip patterns)

PuT relation-based analysis

Calculates skims between stop areas from a set of paths (Running a PuT relation-based analysis)

Headway offset optimization

Optimize headway offset between lines (Executing a headway offset optimization)

Folder PuT passenger surveys



Read survey data

Reads survey data by PuT demand segment from file (Loading ridership data)

Plausibilization of survey data

Checks and completes survey data ( Check ridership data for plausibility)

Direct assignment

Assigns plausible paths by PuT demand segment to the network (Assignment of survey data)

Folder Matrices



Demand matrix correction

Adjusts demand matrix data to current count data (Updating matrices with TFlowFuzzy or 'Least squares')

Calculate PrT skim matrix

Calculates PrT skim matrices (Calculating PrT skims)

Calculate dynamic PrT skim matrix

Calculate dynamic PrT skim matrix (Calculating PrT skims)

Calculate PuT skim matrix

Calculates PuT skim matrices (Calculating PuT skims)

Calculate stop area skim matrix

Calculates stop area skim matrices (Calculating stop area skim matrices)

Open matrix

Reads matrix data from file (Importing matrix values during execution of the procedure sequence and Adding matrix values of a file during procedure sequence)

Save matrix

Saves matrix data to file (Saving matrices during procedure sequence execution)

Combination of matrices and vectors

Combines matrices and attribute vectors (Combining matrices and attribute vectors during the procedure sequence run)

Matrix aggregation

Generates main zone matrix based on aggregated values of a zone matrix (Calculating a main zone matrix from a zone matrix)

Matrix disaggregation

Disaggregates main zone matrix data and stores values in zone matrix (Calculating a zone matrix from a main zone matrix)

Demand matrix calibration

Projects a PrT demand matrix with the help of census data (Calibrating a PrT matrix)

Distribution of demand matrix to paths

Distributes matrix values as volumes to paths (Distribution of demand matrix to paths)

Note: The AddIn folder contains scripts provided together with Visum (Embedding add-ins automatically via a project directory).

Folder Miscellaneous



Merge procedure results

Merge procedure results of a step from distributed computing in the current Visum instance (Merging procedure results of distributed computing)

Edit attribute

Allows for editing the attribute data of all or all active network objects of the selected network object type (Editing attribute values during a procedure sequence)

Set run and dwell times

Re-calculates the run and dwell times of all or all active time profiles (Setting run and dwell times in the procedure sequence)

Set link run times from line run times

Replaces the link run time data by line run time data (Generating link run times from line run times in a procedure sequence)

Read filter

Reads filter settings from file (Reading filters during a procedure sequence)

Reset all filters

Resets all active filters (Initializing all filters during a procedure sequence)

Go to the procedure

Checks the convergence of current results and starts the iterative repetition of procedures, if applicable (Go to a procedure in the procedure sequence (Go to the procedure))

Run script

Run scripts, for example Python or Visual Basic (Integrating script files or script code into the procedure sequence)


Performs post-processing of PrT assignment results (NCHRP 255 (Post-processor for PrT assignments))

HBEFA-based emission calculation

Emission data calculation according to HBEFA (Settings for emission calculation according to HBEFA)

Delete results of emission calculation

Deletes HBEFA-based emission results (Resetting emission calculation)

Save version

Saves version data file (Saving a version file)


Creates a group of procedures (Forming and naming groups)


Calculates target attribute values by intersecting the source attribute (Intersecting objects)

Convert paths

Converts paths (Converting the paths of a path set or demand segment)

Territory indicators

Calculates basic territory indicators (Calculating basic territory indicators)

Noise calculation according to RLS-19 Determines the emissions of the length-based acoustic power level(Calculating noise volume)

5.  Adjust the settings required by the procedure, e.g. reference objects, variants or files.

6.  For changes to the settings of the inserted procedure, mark the procedure and, in the Operations section, click Edit.

The procedure sequence is defined. You can now execute it (Executing procedures in the procedure sequence)

Note: The procedure sequence is stored if you close the window with OK. An error message appears if the parameters for one or several procedures have not been specified correctly. In this case, the procedure sequence is not stored.